- AL0YSI0US@sourcecred
- askenderanwen
- bobjiang
- bradwbradwvancouver
- cosmicanon
- CPSTLCOO @element-fi
- CyrusOfEdenPlanet Earth
- dipaksarafkolkata India
- duncan4123
- fakepixels
- fredericktommymartinez
- geleeroyaleGiveth
- iambenhuh
- JakeHartnellDAOs
- jaybuidl@kleros
- jeli-networkJeli
- JoshuaMathiasUSA
- Jzjallday
- KenMan79Consensys
- lizardoManaus, Brazil
- madjinindie
- malinvaudpaul3DS Outscale
- MariaEstrada07
- mboogerdXebia
- mcfiredrillfreelance
- merlinthecoinEVM
- mikestaubBright Machines
- NpizzaGreece
- psprings
- sheikhazrinJohor Bahru, Johor
- shopifymia
- teamdandelionSeattle
- VanilladelphiaPhiladelphia PA, USA
- whatSocksI thought we weren't supposed to use our real names on the internet...
- yangwaoVFTS352.galaxy
- youngkidwarriorSHE