🎮 First-person shooter game where players use prebuilt throwable structures.

Video Game Design Document


Title: MUND-A
Genre: First-Person Shooter (FPS)
Platform: [Specify Platforms]

DALL·E 2024-01-06 12 36 54 - Design the game case for 'MUND-A', a first-person shooter game  The cover should prominently feature the title 'MUND-A' at the top in a bold, futurist

Game Concept

MUND-A is a first-person shooter game where players use prebuilt throwable structures to gain tactical advantages. The game focuses on strategic play, crafting, and inventory management.

Gameplay Mechanics

Core Gameplay

  1. Movement and Combat: Standard FPS controls with additional mechanics for throwing structures.
  2. Throwable Structures: Players can throw structures to create barricades, traps, platforms, etc.

Throwable Structures

There are 10 different throwable structures, each with unique attributes:

  1. Barrier Block: Creates a temporary wall.
  2. Spring Pad: Launches players or objects into the air.
  3. Healing Pod: Generates a healing area for a short duration.
  4. ... [List and describe all 10]

Crafting System

  • Materials: Players collect materials throughout the game world.
  • Crafting Process: Use materials to craft throwable structures.
  • Customization: Players can customize structures' appearance and attributes.

Inventory Management

  • Capacity: Players have a limited inventory space for structures.
  • Management: Players must strategically choose which structures to carry.

Level Design

  • Environments: Describe the various game environments.
  • Interactivity: How structures interact with different environments.

User Interface

  • HUD: Display health, ammo, and current structures.
  • Crafting Menu: Interface for selecting and crafting structures.
  • Inventory Screen: Manage and organize throwable structures.

Multiplayer Components

  • Game Modes: Describe different multiplayer modes.
  • Social Features: Chat, teams, etc.

Art and Audio

  • Visual Style: Describe the game's aesthetic.
  • Sound Design: Music, sound effects, etc.

Technical Specifications

  • Engine: [Specify game engine]
  • System Requirements: Minimum and recommended specs.

Marketing and Release

  • Marketing Strategy: Outline promotional activities.
  • Release Plan: Launch date and post-launch support.


Summary of the game's unique selling points and vision.

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