Sample Reactive - Spring Boot application

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how we can use Spring WebFlux to create a simple reactive web application.

This project uses PostgreSQL implementation of the R2DBC SPI.

How to build and run

project can be compiled with JDK 8 and above javac.

To compile just do mvn clean package.


  • JAVA 8 should be installed
  • Postgres should be up and running at : localhost:5432

To run the application execute the following:

java -jar target/reactive-examples*.jar

You can also use the Swagger-UI to test the application. alt text

for more detailed technical information please check my post :

The server will start at http://localhost:8080.

Exploring the Rest APIs

The Swagger UI will open at : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

The application contains the following REST APIs

1. GET /users - Get All Users

2. POST /users - To create a User

3. GET /users/{userId} - Retrieve an User by Id

3. PUT /users/{userId} - Update an User

4. DELETE /users/{userId} - Delete an User

4. GET /users/events - Stream users to a browser as Server-Sent Events

It contain a sample WebClient to retrieve data from our User Management application.

Run postgres with docker compose

#In the docker compose we create the db, and set the user and password used later in the application.yml file
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
#when you change configurations remember in case to remove also the pv
docker volume ls
#remove all unused volumes
docker volume prune

Example postgres commands

GUI: pgAdmin
CLI commands:
psql -h -p 5432 -U test_user test
#list all databases
#connect to a certain database
\c <db name>
#list all tables in the current database using your search_path
#list all tables in the current database regardless your search_path
\dt * 
#queries as usual
select * from department;
INSERT INTO table_name(column1, column2, …) VALUES (value1, value2, …);