
Appengine like versioning environment for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Appengine Like version environment for hosting node apps.




sudo npm install bunshin-node


bunshin-node -d <path-to-db>
             -p <port-to-run-proxy>
             -a <apps-directory>


This recipe is made for managing multiple-node apps on the same physical machine.

  • install bunshin-node
  • for now we can use our example folder assosiated with the project.
  • The example/deployments directory has multiple node apps pointed to different port on the same machine. Note: Make sure you specify port of the app in package.json (see example/deployments/app1/package.json)
  • now run
    mkdir mock
    # this direcotory will posses our db .json file.
    # In our case it will be versions.json file.
    bunshin-node -a example/ -d mock/ -p 8080


This bunshine-node is a http-proxy which runs on a sandboxed environments of node-apps. Each node app running under this sandbox environment should supply its port and version in package.json file.

In our case app1/package.json consists of '1-0-0' and '8086' as version and port and app2/package.json consists of '1-0-1' and '8087' as version and port.

In order to make a request to the specific module on sandbox. this is the scheme which is to be followed.

# assuming the bunshin-node is running on 8080

##License MIT