
This role can be used to download and install command-line utilities directly from Github releases.

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ansible Role Github Release

This role can be used to download and install command-line utilities directly from Github releases.

Role Variables

Variable name Default value Description
ghr_tmp_dir /tmp The directory to download releases to. Required.
ghr_install_dir /usr/local/bin Default value for installing releases to. Optional.
ghr_releases [] List of releases to download and their properties (see below). Required.
ghr_releases.url - Url of downloadable release file. Passed directly to Ansible get_url module as url. Required.
ghr_releases.checksum - Checksum or checksum file for release. Passed directly to Ansible get_url module as checksum. Optional.
ghr_releases.extract_dir - Directory (if any) to extract downloaded archive to. Passed directly to Ansible unarchive module as dest. Optional.
ghr_releases.copy_src - Path in temp directory to binary file. Passed directly to Ansible copy module as src. Required.
ghr_releases.copy_dest - Path in install directory to binary file. Passed directly to Ansible copy module as dest. Required.


The Ansible Unarchive module (used in this role to extract .zip and .tar.gz release files) "requires gtar/unzip command on target host."

Example Playbook

See defaults/main.yml and molecule/default/playbook.yml for more information.

- hosts: all
    ghr_tmp_dir: "/tmp"
    ghr_install_dir: "/usr/local/bin"
      # Install hostess: https://github.com/cbednarski/hostess
      - url: "https://github.com/cbednarski/hostess/releases/download/v0.3.0/hostess_linux_amd64"
        copy_src: "{{ ghr_tmp_dir }}/hostess_linux_amd64"
        copy_dest: "{{ ghr_install_dir }}/hostess"
      # Install drush: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush
      - url: "https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/releases/download/8.1.17/drush.phar"
        copy_src: "{{ ghr_tmp_dir }}/drush.phar"
        copy_dest: "{{ ghr_install_dir }}/drush"
      # Install ddev: https://github.com/drud/ddev
      - url: "https://github.com/drud/ddev/releases/download/v1.3.0/ddev_linux.v1.3.0.tar.gz"
        checksum: "sha256:https://github.com/drud/ddev/releases/download/v1.3.0/ddev_linux.v1.3.0.tar.gz.sha256.txt"
        extract_dir: "ddev_linux.v1.3.0"
        copy_src: "{{ ghr_tmp_dir }}/ddev_linux.v1.3.0/ddev"
        copy_dest: "{{ ghr_install_dir }}/ddev"
    - role: ansible-role-github-release
