
JasperReports Extension for WMS Maps

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Web Map Service map extension for Jasper Reports

JasperReports is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word. Report templates can be created with the iReport Designer on the desktop.

This extension allows to embedding maps served with the standardized Web Map Service (WMS) protocol.

JasperReports Extension for WMS Maps

The extension requires Jasperreports/iReport version 5.0.x. The extension consists of 2 artifacts:

  • A iReport Designer Plugin that adds the WMS Map report element to the iReport component palette as well as editing WMS properties
  • A JasperReports extension that provides rendering capabilities for WMS map report elements

The extension supports all JasperReports output formats (HTML, PDF, etc.).

Install the iReport Plugin

Download com-sourcepole-ireport-wms-*.nbm from https://github.com/sourcepole/jasperreports-wms-component/releases

In iReport Designer:

  • choose 'Tools' -> 'Plugins' from the menu
  • to uninstall a previous version of the plugin:
    • select tab 'Installed'
    • select the Entry in the list
    • click 'Uninstall' (requires restart of iReport)
  • to install a new version of the plugin:
    • select tab 'Downloaded'
    • click 'Add Plugins...'
    • choose the plugin package (com-sourcepole-ireport-wms-*.nbm) from the file system
    • click 'Install'
    • in the dialog that appears, click 'next'
    • check 'Accept License' and click 'install'
    • a warning appears that the plugin is not signed, click 'Continue'
    • if the plugin could be installed, click 'Finish'
    • in the plugin dialog, click 'close'

Creating reports with WMS map elements

If the iReport plugin has been installed properly in iReport Designer, an additional component WMS Map should be available in the components Palette. Simply drag-and-drop the palette element to add new WMS map elements. If the element is selected, the Properties Inspector provides WMS specific input fields (Service URL, Bounding Box, etc.).

Using report parameters WMS map element

Like with any report element expressions may be used for some of the WMS map parameters:

  • Bounding Box
  • Layers
  • Styles
  • URL Parameters (extra parameters appended to the WMS request url)

To use a report parameter, e.g. for BBOX:

  1. Create a new report parameter, e.g. MAP_BBOX (default value expression "634849.96085766,244281.95484911,635310.33560906,244655.89909163")
  2. Reference this report parameter in the map element's bounding box property using the JasperReports expression syntax ($P{MAP_BBOX})



  • WMS URL: http://wms.qgiscloud.com/olten/Solarkataster
  • WMS Version: 1.3
  • SRS/CRS: EPSG:21781
  • Bbox: $P{MAP_BBOX}
  • Layers: Hintergrund,Kataster
  • Styles:
  • Image format: image/png
  • Transparent: FALSE
  • URL Parameters: "DPI=150"

When previewing the report in iReport, a prompt is shown to enter the MAP_BBOX parameter (unless the Use as a prompt option for the report parameter has been unchecked). Sample BBOX: 634849.96085766,244281.95484911,635310.33560906,244655.89909163

WMS protocol

The example above generates the following WMS GetMap request:



  • In WMS version 1.3 the parameter "SRS" has been renamed to "CRS".
  • The DPI parameter is not standardized and vendor dependent. QGIS Server uses "DPI", UMN Mapserver "MAP_RESOLUTION" and GeoServer "FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96"

JasperReport server

Install the extension in JasperReport server

Download jasperreports-wms-component-*.jar from https://github.com/sourcepole/jasperreports-wms-component/releases

Assuming a standard installation of JasperReports server on Apache Tomcat, just copy the extension JAR to the lib directory of the web application:

cp jasperreports-wms-component-*.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib


Building from source

Source code is available on https://github.com/sourcepole/jasperreports-wms-component.

Prerequisites to build the extension from source:

  • JDK 6 or higher
  • NetBeans Platform (to build the iReport Plugin) and iReport installation
  • Apache Maven 3.0.x (http://maven.apache.org, to build the JasperReports extension)

To build the JasperReports extension:

  • run mvn clean install in the project directory
  • the extension artifact JAR file may be found in the target directory: jasperreports-wms-component-x.y.z.jar.

To build the iReport Plugin

Copyright (c) 2013 Sourcepole AG

JasperReports/iReport WMS Component is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

JasperReports/iReport WMS Component is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with JasperReports/iReport WMS Component. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.