
Mobile map viewer using OpenLayers 3

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OL3 Mobile Viewer

OL3 Mobile Viewer is a basic map viewer based on OpenLayers 3 and jQuery Mobile.


  • Topic and layer selection
  • Search
  • Feature info requests
  • Map follows current location
  • Manual and compass controlled map orientation


  • src/config.js
  • src/custom.css

Runtime configuration

  • topics.json
  • layers.json

URL parameters

  • tiledWms=1|0 : force tiled/untiled WMS
  • topic=TOPIC_NAME : initial topic
  • background=BACKGROUND_TOPIC_NAME : initial background topic
  • overlays=COMMA_SEPARATED_OVERLAY_TOPIC_NAMES : initial overlay topics
  • extent=MINX,MINY,MAXX,MAXY : initial map extent
  • center=X,Y : initial map center
  • scale=SCALE : initial map scale
  • zoom=ZOOM_LEVEL : initial map zoom level
  • activeLayers=COMMA_SEPARATED_LAYER_NAMES : initially visible layers in that order
  • inactiveLayers=COMMA_SEPARATED_LAYER_NAMES : initially invisible layers
  • opacities={LAYER_NAME:OPACITY[255..0]} as JSON : initial layer opacities e.g. opacities={"Pixelkarte 25":192,"BBFlaechen_farbig":128}

Parameter precedence:

  • extent before center, scale, zoom
  • scale before zoom
  • activeLayers before inactiveLayers


OL3 Mobile Viewer Screencast


Fork this repository and send us a pull request.


OL3 Mobile viewer is released under the MIT License.