
client libs for elasticsearch/logstash

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vacuum Analytics

A lightweight logging solution based on elasticsearch/logstash.

Client libraries

Javascript library

JavaScript library is designed to be used both in node and in browser apps.

Node logging

Add dependncy into your app's package.json file:

"dependencies": {
  "va": "file:<path_to_repo>/js/library",

and then import library class into your app.js file:

const LogEvent = require('va').LogEvent;

See example for how-to.

In-browser logging

Copy <path_to_repo>/js/library and then include the script into your web app:

<script src='js/library/LogEvent.js'</script>

Refer to example for complete steps.

Kotlin library



To build the libarary and its example:

cd kotlin && gradle build;

You can run the example by:

cd sample && gradle run;