
pass binary flags to functions using object dot operator in javascript

Primary LanguageLiveScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

npm install binapi
// github        much install     |
npm install sourcevault/binapi#dist

Build Status

🟡 .. quick Example 1 ..

var binapi = require ("binapi")

var main = function (state,args)

  var a = args[0]
  var b = args[1]

  if (state.flip) // flip arguments
      var temporary = a
      a = b
      b = temporary

  var output = a - b

  if (state.abs) // output only absolute value
      return Math.abs(output)

  return output


getter = function(state,key) {
  state[key] = true
  return state;

var subtract = binapi(main,getter,{})

subtract(10,5) // 5

subtract.flip(10,5) // - -5

subtract.flip.abs(10,5) //  5

subtract.abs.flip(10,5) //  5

// last two operations are doing the same thing

As shown above, we are using object properties as switches to turn "ON" certain flags in main.

colors is a good example of module that follows this pattern.

binapi is a shorthand for binary APIs.

.. Features

  • functions are built lazily, if you have 100 methods but the user only uses 3 functions - then only 3 objects are created.

binapi requires 2 functions to initialize :

  • application function - it is run whenever there is a call from the user.
  • getter function - run whenever . operation is appiled, needed for updating state variable needed by the application function.

🟡 ...Example 2...

var binapi = require ("binapi")

folks =

var main = function(key,args)

  folks[key] = args[0]

var getter = function(state,key) {return key}

var setAge = binapi(main,getter)



console.log(folks.charles) // 32

console.log(folks.henry) //29

..using state variable

Sometimes some state has to be present in your function, this is especially useful for nested binapis.

🟡 ..Example 3 - adding state variable as second argument..

var binapi = require("binapi");

var main,getter;

var loop = (state) => binapi(main,getter,state);

var get = ([num],key) => [num,key];

var F6 = ([x,key],args) =>

  var y = args[0]

  switch (key) {
  case "init":
    return loop([y]);
  case "add":
    return loop([x + y]);
  case "multiply":
    return loop([x * y]);
  case "ret":
    return x;
    return fail(6);

var compute = lopo(["init"])

var out = compute(5)

Custom Logger

Internally binapi uses ES6 proxies allowing binding of custom log functions - providing us with the option of providing better object information when using console.log, custom log function is added as the 4rth argument.

🟡 ..Example 4 - custom logger provided as third argument..

var binapi = require ("binapi")

var main = function (){}

var getter = function(state,key) {return state.concat(key);}

var log = function(state)
  var chain = state.join(' | ')

  console.log ("( " + chain + " )")
test = binapi(main,getter,[],log)

tsf = test.sync.flip

console.log (tsf) // ( sync | flip )

Update and API change

  • 0.1.0 major change in API, support for binapi.obj dropped.

  • 0.0.8 major change in API, default binapi is list.

  • 0.0.4 major change in API, does not use this but uses argument to pass path and state.


  • Code released under BSD-3-Clause.
  • Documentation and images released under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
  • details can be found here.