
SwiftUI MVVM architecture (e.g., Models, Views, ViewModels, service class, Network router, etc.), Unit testing

Primary LanguageSwift


This app is made for some basic implementation. It uses MVVM architecture (e.g., Models, Views, ViewModels, service class, Network router, etc.), Unit testing etcs. I tried to make the staff as simple as possible.

##Project Setup: This app uses MVVM architecture (e.g., Models, Views, ViewModels, Networking, etc.).


There are two kinds of services. PostService(uses for real API calls) and MockPostService(uses for unit test purposes). PostService: Whenever we will make a API call, we will use the service class to access the network manager. We will prepare the necessary data to make an API call. like URL, params, header etc.


Created a NetworkRouter/NetworkManager class to handle API requests. Implement a generic method for making get, post put delete API calls.

Error Handling:

Implement error handling in the NetworkManager for various scenarios (e.g., no internet connection, server-side errors, etc.). Use do-catch blocks to handle errors gracefully and display appropriate messages to the user. In the error handling class, we can use the logger function to log the API & hardware status.


Create a ViewModel for the list view that will hold the data and interact with the NetworkManager. Use dependency injection to inject the PostService(PostService, or MockPostService) into the ViewModel, making it testable.


Create a SwiftUI view to display the list of titles and bodies. Bind the view to the ViewModel using SwiftUI's @StateObject or @ObservedObject property wrappers.

Unit Testing:

Write unit tests for the ServiceProtocol to test API calls with different scenarios, including error cases. Write unit tests for the ViewModel to ensure it correctly handles the data and errors from the API.

Local API File Loading:

Create a local JSON file with the sample JSON data.