
Development repository for the certificate cookbook

Primary LanguageRuby

Certificate cookbook

Cookbook Version CI State OpenCollective OpenCollective License


This recipe automates the common task of managing x509 certificates and keys from encrypted Data Bags. This cookbook provides a flexible and reusable resource to set up certificates from various sources.

Warning about Vault mode

Pulling data from Chef Vault is not supported when using chef-solo, and will result in a failure condition.

Testing with encrypted data_bags

The stub files in test/integration are for testing only and should not be used in production. These files include a self-signed "snake oil" certificate/key and an encrypted_data_bag_secret file which are not secure to use beyond testing.


Prepping certificate data

The certificate strings in the data bag need all newlines replaced with literal \ns. This conversion can be done with a Ruby one-liner:

ruby -e 'p ARGF.read' <filename>

This will turn the input file from the normal certificate format:


Into this:


Add the converted certificate / chain / key to the desired databag, attributes, or Chef Vault store:

  "id": "example",
  "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nCertificate Here...",
  "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY\nPrivate Key Here...",
  "chain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nCA Root Chain Here..."

The chain entry may be optional if the CA's root chain is already trusted by the server.


This cookbook comes with three simple example recipes for using the certificate_manage LWRP.


Creates certificates from the data bag item certificates/$HOSTNAME.


Same as the default recipe, except for the data bag item name is wildcard instead of the node hostname.

The resulting files will be named wildcard.pem (cert), wildcard.key (key), and wildcard-bundle.crt (CA Root chain)


Defines certificate_manage resources dynamically from node attributes.

Attributes Equivalent resources
node['certificate'] = [
    'foo' => {
      data_bag_type: 'none',
      plaintext_cert: 'plain_cert',
      plaintext_key: 'plain_key',
      plaintext_chain: 'plain_chain',
  {'test' => {}},
certificate_manage 'foo' do
  data_bag_type 'none'
  plaintext_cert 'plain_cert'
  plaintext_key 'plain_key'
  plaintext_chain 'plain_chain'

certificate_manage 'test'



Sets up certificates from data bags or Chef Vault stores.

Property Default Description
data_bag certificate Name of the data bag to look in
data_bag_secret Chef::Config['encrypted_data_bag_secret'] Path to the file with the data bag secret
data_bag_type encrypted Where to get certificate data from: encrypted or unencrypted data bag, vault for Chef Vault, or none for plaintext properties
search_id Resource name Name of the data bag item to use
plaintext_cert Manual cert input for none data bag type
plaintext_key Manual key input for none data bag type
plaintext_chain Manual chain input for none data bag type
cert_path /etc/pki/tls on RHEL, else /etc/ssl Directory to place certificates in
create_subfolders true Whether to use private/ and certs/ subdirectories under cert_path
cert_file $FQDN.pem Basename of the certificate
key_file $FQDN.key Basename of the private key
chain_file $HOSTNAME-bundle.pem Basename of the chain certificate
nginx_cert false Whether to create a combined cert/chain certificate for use with Nginx instead of separate certs
combined_file false Whether to combine the cert, chain, and key into a single file
owner root File owner of the certificates
group root File group of the certificates
cookbook certificate Cookbook containing the certificate file template.


The following example will place certificates defined in the certificates/mail data bag item under /etc/postfix/ssl owned by postfix.

certificate_manage "mail" do
  cert_path "/etc/postfix/ssl"
  owner "postfix"
  group "postfix"

.certificate, .key, .chain helper method usage

Some helper methods are exposed for retrieving key/certificate paths in other recipes:

  • .certificate - The final path of the certificate file. i.e. #{cert_path}/certs/#{cert_file}
  • .key - The final path of the key file. i.e. #{cert_path}/private/#{key_file}
  • .chain - The final path of the chain file. i.e. #{cert_path}/certs/#{chain_file}
# where node.fqdn = 'example.com'
tld = certificate_manage 'top_level_domain'
tld_cert_location = tld.certificate # => /etc/ssl/certs/example.com.pem

# where node.fqdn = 'sub.example.com'
sbd = certificate_manage 'sub_domain' do
  cert_path '/bobs/emporium'
  create_subfolders false
sbd_cert_location = sbd.key # => /bobs/emporium/sub.example.com.key

Setting FQDN during the converge

If the FQDN of the node is updated during converge, be sure to use lazy attribute evaluation to ensure node['fqdn'] refers to the updated value.

certificate_manage "wildcard" do
  cert_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.pem" }
  key_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.key" }
  chain_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}-bundle.crt" }

Using the none data bag type

The none option does not use a data bag, requiring the certificate, key, and/or chain to be passed directly to the resource. This allows you to use the certificate_manage resource for all of your certificate needs, even if the certificate data is stored in an unsupported location.

certificate_manage "fqdn-none-plaintext" do
  cert_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.pem" }
  key_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}.key" }
  chain_file lazy { "#{node['fqdn']}-bundle.crt" }
  data_bag_type 'none'
  plaintext_cert "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n\n"
  plaintext_key "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n\n",
  plaintext_chain "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n\n",


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


Thank you to all our backers!



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