- 1 is missing resources / broken links
#1202 opened by rmoriz - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#1233 opened by renovate - 1
Support docker swarm stacks
#1157 opened by spacepirate0001 - 1
- 1
- 0
Changelog weirdness
#1178 opened by kmf - 0
--tmpfs option missing for container resource
#1120 opened by setfire2 - 2
docker Chef 17 compatibility
#1160 opened by damacus - 0
docker_container network_mode "container:*" leads to redeploy on every chef client run
#1273 opened by promisedlandt - 0
docker_volume_prune resource
#1240 opened by stissot - 0
Add ability to add GPU devices to the container
#1285 opened by alappe - 0
Switch rhel platform to rhel docker-ce yum repo
#1276 opened by b-dean - 0
PR #1253 is a breaking change. Break on CentOS 7 (Old kernel without cgroup v2)
#1254 opened by benoitjpnet - 0
ipv6 forwarding prevents the daemon to run when ipv6 is disabled in kernel
#1266 opened by ProfessionalismIsMyMiddleName - 0
- 7
docker Chef 18 compatibility
#1222 opened by djessich - 0
Can't start a simple container
#1226 opened by urlund - 1
docker-ce package name in ubuntu 22.04 is in a different format that affects module 'docker_installation_package'
#1224 opened by sidxz - 0
Invalid filter 'dangling=[docker_image_prune[cleanup]]'
#1216 opened by fbouliane - 8
Wrong source list generation for Debian 11
#1207 opened by zabudskyi - 1
docker_installation_tarball group is always reset
#1205 opened by benoitjpnet - 4
- 0
Can't stop updates to /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
#1196 opened by mbwhelan - 0
Logging drivers are out of sync
#1186 opened by rehmus - 0
- 3
Issue with credentials on image pull
#1142 opened by rmoriz - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
Is there any intention to support RHEL 8.2?
#1127 opened by Ashpigelman - 2
- 5
Management of the docker-ce-cli package
#1111 opened by dud225 - 0
not possible to use custom log_driver
#1124 opened by vbichov - 1
docker_container log_driver should support "local"
#1125 opened by timorkal - 5
docker_container fails to :run
#1146 opened by urlund - 1
Support multiple registry mirrors for the docker service
#1144 opened by DaniJG - 9
- 1
- 2
warning: URI.escape is obsolete
#1138 opened by gionn - 10
Container being redeployd after every chef-run
#1092 opened by KnutAtteslander - 2
docker_volume not working as expected?
#1121 opened by fasmat - 3
- 5
Creating Docker network broken in 6.0.2
#1115 opened by heyitsols - 2
- 0
- 3
Tiny feature request, ability to configure reload signal
#1089 opened by urlund - 4
"no subsystem for mount" Error
#1108 opened by sidharthaggarwal - 0
env_file breaks on Chef >= 16
#1106 opened by dud225 - 3
docker_exec not working
#1101 opened by kmf - 3