
Showing character or String on M5ATOMmatrix.


Showing character or String on M5ATOMmatrix.

How to Installing

  1. Downroad a .m5b file https://github.com/sousci/M5ATOMmatrix_showcharacter/blob/main/ATOMmat_ShowString.m5b
  2. Go to flow.m5stack.com
  3. Click a "Custom" button
  4. Click a "Open *.m5b file"
  5. choose and open a ATOMmat_ShowString.m5b in your computer
  6. M5ATOMmatrix showcharacter block has been installed

How to Use

  1. First, install a "ATOM_setup" block at a head of code to load a library.
  2. Install a "print" block where you want, don't forget "text" block and parameters.

description of parameters

parameter description
scroll Set the interval at which dots flow in milliseconds # recommend:100
rotation Rotate scroll derection of character or strings.
Clockwise when viewed from the front "0":0[deg], "1":90[deg], "2":180[deg], "3":270[deg]
color set a color. The color is expressed in 24bit but it is a little hard tounderstand.
So we recommend a way of expressed Hexadecimal. For example, input 0xFFFFFF * then transrate a 16777215 automatically. It means 0xFF(red level)FF(green level)FF(blue level).
If you want to set yellow, please input 0xFFFF00.


Q1. display a red "X".
A1. Code has some trouble. Please check these.

  • Not installed "ATOM_setup" block.
  • Character or string are NULL.
  • Parameters incorrect. Please check next question.

Q2. Character isn't displayed.
A2. Are parameters correct? Please try ;)

print: "test"
scroll: 100
rotation: 0
color: 16777215

Q3. Will you plan more function?
A3. No. But notify please of find bugs:)