
A general use discord bot made in Java. Currently in a useable state however I have been performing a significant amount of work to get the audio stream to work with MPD.

Primary LanguageJava

Discord General Use API Bot


  • DiscordJ4 simply download the shaded jar from here (currently only tested with version 2.8.1 however most newer versions should still work) or build it yourself and place it in the root directory of this repo. (todo: automate this process)
  • JSON-java This will be downloaded and compiled automatically by the Makefile script.


  • commands.json contains mappings between keywords and values which are referenced in the Bot class in the processCommand function which processes the input and perfoms whatever commands are chosen.

  • api-key.txt contains the api key for the bot obtained from here. This is required to be set manually.

To run

Typing $ make run will compile the json package and Bot.java, then run the Bot class with the API key given by api-key.txt.

Feature Requests and Ideas

  • Roll dice
  • Voice chat sound effects
  • Cross-server posting
  • Wiktionary search
  • Redesign command methodology
    • Command interface classes?
    • Python plugins?
    • Events?
  • Command !help function