Update for AmxModX CSX Module for Counter-Strike 1.6 and Condition Zero

Primary LanguageC++


  1. Added: following Natives:
    • get_user_rank
    • get_user_score
    • set_stats
    • set_stats2
    • set_user_stats
    • set_user_stats2
    • set_user_score
    • reset_user_stats
    • reset_stats
    • reset_stats
    • push_stats
    • remove_stats
    • force_load_stats
    • force_save_stats

  2. Changes in cVar "csstats_maxsize"
    • Changed: default value changed from 3500 to 9000
    • Removed: Maximum Value Cap ( clamp removed with 0 min and 3500 max )
    • Added: support for no maxsize ( value = -1 )

  3. Made cVar "csstats_rank" and "csstats_rankbots" constant after ServerActivate (Map Change) / Init
    • Any change to the value of "csstats_rank" should be accounted for only at ServerActivate/Init. This will ensure that the field "unique" of players which defines a player's identity in the module, remain constant before next Call of ServerActivate\Init.
    • Any change to the value of "csstats_rankbots" should be accounter for only at ServerActivate/Init. It's a critical requirement as the identity of the already connected Bots, would not exist in the module. In that case, the module would malfunction. To further prohit a possible crash, also replaced the check for "CPlayer::ignoreBots" during rank update ( ResetHUD ), with "CPlayer::rank" which will check for existance of identity.

  4. Made Saving Rank more Precise
    • Added: Check for mannual exploit of ResetHUD ( Check for "fullupdate" command ).
      This will also ensure Player Round Stats don't get cleared away before Next Respawn
    • Added: Delay for per player Rank Update

  5. Fixed: get_stats() and get_stats2() did not recognise the position of the last rank.

  6. Fixed: new players were assigned last rank by default regardless of death toll of other players.

  7. Fixed: Last Death declaring Round_End logEvent wasn't counted.

  8. Replaced: Sequential Search with Binary Search in some of the Natives for faster Processing ( by Shooting King ).
    Affected Natives:
    • get_stats
    • get_stats2
    • set_stats
    • set_stats2
    • reset_stats
    • remove_stats

New Natives:

// Returns the Rank of Player. --> index = id.
// Returns 0 if no Rank exists.
native get_user_rank(index);

// Gets current session score of player --> index = id
// Returns 0 if player is not valid/out of range
// Returns 1
native get_user_score(index,&frags,&deaths);

// Sets overall stats of Player with given parameters. --> index = id.
// Returns 0 if player is not valid/out of range
// Returns new Rank
// Note - If you don't want to edit/set a stats/bodyhits field,
// you can set its value as -1
native set_user_stats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
native set_user_stats2(index,stats2[4]);

// Sets overall stats with given parameters. --> index = position.
// Returns new Rank
// Note - If you don't want to edit/set a stats/bodyhits field,
// you can set its value as -1
native set_stats(index,stats[8],bodyhits[8]);
native set_stats2(index,stats2[4]);

// Sets current session score of player --> index = id
// Returns 0 if player is not valid/out of range
// Returns 1
// Note - If you don't want to edit/set a stats/bodyhits field,
// you can set its value as -1
native set_user_score(index,frags,deaths);

// Resets overall stats to null --> index = id.
// Returns 0 if player is not valid/out of range
// Returns new Rank
// Note - This doesn't differentiate stats or stats2.
// It simply nulls the entire Stats structure of index.
native reset_user_stats(index);

// Resets overall stats to null --> index = position.
// Returns new Rank
// Note - This doesn't differentiate stats or stats2.
// It simply nulls the entire Stats structure of index.
native reset_stats(index);

// Adds/Pushes overall stats with given parameters.
// Returns 0 if Stats Entry already exists or can't be created
// Returns new Rank
// Note - If you don't want to set a stats/bodyhits field,
// you can set its value as -1
// IMPORTANT : "unique" is based on the value of "csstats_rank" cvar
// which sets the basis for uniquely defining a rankstats entry:
// 0 - name[]
// 1 - authid[]
// 2 - ip[] ( make sure to set parameter isip = 1 )
// WARNING : Use this function with Caution.
native push_stats(const unique[],const name[],stats[8],bodyhits[8],isip=0);

// Removes and Deletes the Stats Entry. --> index = position.
// Returns -1 if position is not found.
// Returns 0 if player with the position is connected to server.
// Returns 1 if successfully removed.
native remove_stats(index);

// Reloads all the stats from the file and
// refresh rankstats of all the connected
// players and also reset current score of player
// Returns 1
// Note - If the stats are not externally edited
// then this will restore the stats from previous
// map change or from start of HLDS as by default,
// stats file is saved only at these moments.
// If the stats file doesn't exist, the function
// will not load stats. The stats in-game will remain
// the same as before.
// default stats file path : amxmodx/data/csstats.dat
native force_load_stats();

// Manually saves all the stats till previous round
// before Restart of Map/Server.
// Returns 1
// default stats file path : amxmodx/data/csstats.dat
native force_save_stats();