
This repository contains a script for automating the process of sending a message through Whatsapp using Selenium.

Primary LanguagePython

Whatsapp Automation

This script automates the process of sending a message through Whatsapp using the selenium web driver.


  • Python 3.5 or higher
  • Selenium
  • Webdriver for your chosen browser (in this case, Microsoft Edge)


  1. Enter the phone number of the recipient when prompted.
  2. Enter the message you want to send.

The script will automatically open a new window in your web browser and navigate to the chat with the specified phone number. The message will then be sent.


The script uses asyncio to run the following functions concurrently:

  • get_input: Prompts the user for the phone number and message.
  • browser_start: Opens a new window in the web browser and navigates to the chat with the specified phone number.
  • send_message: Enters the message in the chat and hits send.
  • disconnect: Closes the web browser window.

The xpath_list function returns a list of xpaths that are used to locate and click the necessary elements to close the web browser window.