# BIOVEG - Statistical analyses in R
# BIOVEG is an R script that covers common statistical analyses (basic and advanced) applied in plant ecology. Thus, the script
# is a compilation of methods based on several published R packages, being applied to the modeling and statistical tests of Brazilian 
# Atlantic Forest and temperate German physiognomies. The main aim of this script is to share knowledge and support / facilitate the 
# work of other researchers and graduate students. In order to achieve this goal, the script analyses are based on data sets provided 
# by the authors. Therefore, the user can perform all analyses contained  in the script in the R software using real data. Each of 
# the analyses has descriptions about their applications and some of them also about  their limitations and care. At the end of the 
# script, literature on  statistical topics is also suggested. In this third version of the script, we expanded the number of 
# statistical methods and focused mainly on regression modeling. The authors intend to constantly update and implement the script 
# with more analyses. If you have any problems downloading or using it, please contact us by email: eciodiniz@gmail.com