
SecretSanta for the lazy of heart.

Primary LanguageGo


This is a simple tool to help you out with faily picking who you get to prepare a present for. It works by reading a csv file (name, email per each line) and then sending emails to everybody letting them know who to prepare a present for.

Command-line params

  • source (default: people.csv) - the csv file
  • verbose (default: false) - whether or not to print the actual presents
  • dry (default: true) - whether or not to actually send the emails
  • host (default: stmp.gmail.com) - smtp host
  • port (default: 587) - stmp port
  • username (default: sovanesyan@gmail.com) - smtp username
  • password (default: string.Empty) - stmp password


  • Create a template file for the email subject and body
  • Switch to net/smtp instead of the gomail package
  • Should parse the csv with a csv parser instead of custom code