
Lua scripts for Ohm compatible libraries

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Ohm Scripts

Lua scripts for creating, updating and deleting Ohm compatible objects in Redis.


Ohm is a library for storing objects in Redis, a persistent key-value database. These Lua scripts can be sent to Redis with the EVAL command, and they abstract the behavior of keeping indices and unique indices in sync with the object.


This script receives four parameters, all encoded with JSON. The decoded values are used for saving a model instance in Redis, creating or updating a hash as needed and updating zero or more sets (indices) and zero or more hashes (unique indices).


Table with three attributes:

  • id (model instance id)
  • key (hash where the attributes will be saved)
  • name (model name)


Array with attribute/value pairs.


Fields and values to be indexed. Each key in the indices table is mapped to an array of values. One index is created for each field/value pair.


Fields and values to be indexed as unique. Unlike indices, values are not enumerable. If a field/value pair is not unique (i.e., if there was already a hash entry for that field and value), an error is returned with the UniqueIndexViolation message and the field that triggered the error.


This script receives three parameters, all encoded with JSON. The decoded values are used for deleting a model instance in Redis and removing any reference to it in sets (indices) and hashes (unique indices).


Table with three attributes:

  • id (model instance id)
  • key (hash where the attributes will be saved)
  • name (model name)


Fields and values to be removed from the unique indices.


Keys that share the lifecycle of this model instance, that should be removed as this object is deleted.


These scripts are intended to be used in the context of other libraries. Right now they are implemented by Ohm. Other libraries are encouraged to use these scripts, with the benefit of achieving cross language compatibility.