
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Crypto node exchange server


This node project is a restful API server that connects to over 200 crypto exchanges using ccxt library. You can build a front-end or a desktop application to connect to this server to set orders, get orderbooks, ticker price, create withdrawals, historical data, etc. The endpoints are located in ./src/server.js and this is where most of the heavy lifting is done in the server. Gulp is used to concat and minify the Javascript files, json files and other optimizations.


  1. Make sure you have node js installed on your computer. The link for node js is: (node download)[https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/]

  2. run command: npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

  3. run command: npm install -g node-gyp --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root, if already installed run: run command: npm upgrade -g node-gyp --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

  4. run command: npm install -g scrypt web3 node-gyp --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

  5. in the root directory of the project crypto node server perform npm install.

  6. in the ccxt folder perform the same command npm install

  7. once everything is installed you can start up the server with command node server.js in the root directory of the crypto node server project.


  • to lint the project just run npm install -g eslint and then in the root directory of the crypto node project run eslint <filename>.js --fix.


  • to build the project make sure you run this command:

    • npm install -g mocha chai gulp gulp-cli prettier
  • to build the project run command: npm run build

  • to build and run the server, run command: npm run run