
Used for robot drones (not just flying drones). Uses nodeJS with cylone.js for hardware support.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

node template API


1. perform: `npm install` in root directory of the node project. 

2. perform: `npm install -g mocha chai gulp-cli eslint prettier`

npm run commands

- `npm run test`: Run mocha tests on `test/mocha.js`

- `npm run build`: Runs gulp-babel, gulp-minify and gulp-concat. It bundles and minifies all java script files into one 
javascript file with javascript files `main-min.js` and `main.js` along with the sourcemap files in the `publish` folder.

- `npm run startDev`: run node with the `src/app.js` javascript file.

- `npm run startProd`: run the node with the `publish/main-min.js` javascript file.

Husky hooks

Husky adds git hooks for things like pre-commit and pre-push, here are the hooks set for this project:

    - **pre-commit**: `lint-staged && npm run test && npm run build`

    - **pre-push**: `npm run test`


npm install cylon-audio cylon-m2x cylon-ardrone cylon-firmata cylon-beaglebone cylon-bebop cylon-ble cylon-crazyflie cylon-digispark cylon-imp cylone-intel-iot cylon-joystick cylon-keyboard cylon-leapmotion cylon-mip cylon-mqtt cylon-nest cylon-neurosky cylon-opencv cyylon-hue cylon-pebble cylon-pinoccio cylon-powerup cylon-rapiro cylon-raspi cylon-force cylon-spark cylon-speech cylon-sphero cylon-sphero-ble cylon-tessel cylon-wiced-sense --allow-root