
scraps websites for data with cheerio and pupeteer.

Primary LanguageC++

setup opencv


  1. Download and install OpenCV (Be sure to use a 2.4 version) @ http://opencv.org/releases.html For these instructions we will assume OpenCV is put at C:\OpenCV, but you can adjust accordingly.

  2. If you haven't already, create a system variable called OPENCV_DIR and set it to C:\OpenCV\build\x64\vc12

  3. Make sure the "x64" part matches the version of NodeJS you are using.

  4. Also add the following to your system PATH ;%OPENCV_DIR%\bin

  5. Install Visual Studio 2013. Make sure to get the C++ components. You can use a different edition, just make sure OpenCV supports it, and you set the "vcxx" part of the variables above to match.

  6. Download peterbraden/node-opencv fork git clone https://github.com/peterbraden/node-opencv

  7. run npm install

  8. npm install opencv

If you do not want to use opencv, you can just use puppeteer and cherrio to get the information that way.

npm script commands

"test": "mocha test\\test.js" -> run mocha tests

"startDev": "node src\\app.js", -> run unminified app.js

"prodRun": "node dist\\app.js", -> run minified app.js (perform minify command first)

"minify": "gulp" -> minifies app.js and generates the `dist` folder.

  - also perform this `npm install -g gulp-cli gulp gulp-babel mocha chai` to make sure the above commands work.

  - also perform install locally `npm install --save-dev @babel/core babel mocha chai gulp`

  - and `npm install -g browserify` this is for bundling js files into one. How to use browserify: `browserify main.js -o bundle.js`