A plugin for video.js to remember the last place you were at when watching a video.
Once you've added the plugin script to your page, you can use it with any video:
<script src="video.js"></script>
<script src="videojs-remember.js"></script>
videojs(document.querySelector('video')).remember({"localStorageKey": "videojs.remember.myvideo"});
Desc: The key name to read and write the current time of the current video in local storage.
Type: string
Desc: The key name to read and write the current time of the current video in session storage.
Type: string
In order to support Brightcove IFRAME-embedded video, this plugin can listen for postMessage
iframe = document.querySelector('iframe#player');
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("localStorageKey:video.js.remember.myvideo", "*");
- 0.1.0: Initial release