
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stable Fluid implementation on JavaScript.

Several ways to run this:

  1. Open this repository's Github pages.
  2. Open index.html by your favorite browser. Same result as 1.
  3. Run python web server and opens the default browser by executing ./run. The result is the same as 1. This way may be suitable for communication with python library, though not tried.
  4. Using node.js node main.js to simulate without GUI and outputs a sequence of volume data in Mitsuba Renderer's gridvolume format under data/ (endian maybe wrong..mine uses big endian.) The rendered file can be loaded by web gui with parameter ?file=[filename] (files are loaded from ./data/, while the [filename] does not contain the prefix./data/.)

URL args: file=.vol / loads one volume data (should be regular cubic volume) type=simulate|noise|data / simulate:Stable fluid(default), noise:Perlin noise, data:Presimulated volumes under data/.vol