
Ada Instant Development Environment v2 (manual)

AIDE for Debian & Ubuntu Manual


AIDE, Ada Instant Development Environment, make Ada integrated development environment setup a breeze. AIDE is intended to GNU/Linux Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives using Libre software. AIDE is written in Ada, as too GNAT Studio, the Ada IDE and GNAT, the GCC Ada compiler.

We hope that AIDE will inspire new generations to create quality software. Ada is the best insurance to write reliable programs while being creative and having fun with an amazing language!

Documentation build

This documentation has been created with Libre Office and ressources available in https://github.com/sowebio/ada-logo and https://github.com/sowebio/doc-build.


Copyright Sowebio SARL France under the terms of CC-by-nc-sa: Attribution + Noncommercial + ShareAlike - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0.