This repository contains preliminary releases
v22 is an Ada framework for Web software and services. See v22-doc repository for further informations.
A major part of the work focused on v22.Gui was carried out by Théodore Gigault (2022) and Arthur Le Floch (2023), as part of their internship with Sowebio SARL, to conclude their first year at ENSEIRB-MATMECA, the Bordeaux engineering school. The aim of their internship was to discover modular and structured object-oriented programming methods, as well as a top-down analysis method, then to put what they had learned into practice by taking charge of a graphical software infrastructure in Ada and, finally, to implement a business application model. GNOGA was chosen as the basis for the web interface. Their work was a success and led to the creation of v22.
v22 is now successfully used for both free and commercial development. New features are planned. Already, a first feedback, the number of coded lines compared to the result is just marvelous. An application managing 13 tables and as many CRUD screens, with numerous functions, represents just 3900 lines of code.
Copyright Sowebio SARL France under GPL v3 license.