This is the authlogic_facebook_connect updated to work with facebooker2 (and mogli). Tested with rails 2.3.8, authlogic 2.1.5, facebooker2 0.0.5, mogli 0.0.16
Remove the xd_receiver.html and xd_receiver_ssl.html files in your public folder
Update your User model: * change facebook_uid type to string (with integer you can have troubles when using postgresql) * remove facebook_session_key * add facebook_access_token string (or configure the plugin to use the facebook_session_key field to store the facebook_access_token)
Update your config/facebooker.yml file * add an app_id value (see mogli readme for more info) * rename secret_key to secret * leave api_key unchanged * remove all other values (you only need app_id, api_key, secret)
Update your config/routes.rb and add the following line map.oauth_callback “/fb_oauth/create”, :controller=>“user_sessions”, :action=>“create” Define the permissions you want if the default isn’t enough, for example as a constant in your user model. FACEBOOK_SCOPE = ‘email,user_birthday’ (see for more information)
Remove from your layout/views: * the xmlns:fb=“” in your html markup * <script src=“” type=“text/javascript”></script> * <%= fb_connect_javascript_tag %>
* <%= init_fb_connect "XFBML" %>
Replace your “authlogic_facebook_login_button” buttons with those provided by facebooker2 using the oauth_callback route, like so (the fb_connect_async_js is only needed once per page): <%= fb_connect_async_js %> <%= fb_login_and_redirect(oauth_callback_url, :perms => User::FACEBOOK_SCOPE, :display => ‘popup’) %>
or you can do something a bit more user friendly, for people who are logged on facebook but not on your site. With the code below, they will see their name next to the button.
<%= fb_connect_async_js %> <% if current_facebook_user && current_facebook_user.fetch %> <%= fb_login_and_redirect(oauth_callback_url, :perms => User::FACEBOOK_SCOPE, :display => ‘popup’) %> <%= “ as #{current_facebook_user.first_name} #{current_facebook_user.last_name} (” + fb_logout_link(“change account?”, request.url) + “)” %> <% else %> <%= fb_login_and_redirect(oauth_callback_url, :perms => User::FACEBOOK_SCOPE, :display => ‘popup’) %> <% end %>
Check notes at the bottom for some more info
If you don’t use bundler:
$ sudo gem install facebooker2 $ sudo gem install mogli
and update your environment file
config.gem "facebooker2" config.gem "mogli"
If you use bundler, update your Gemfile
gem 'facebooker2' gem 'mogli'
and run bundle install
You don’t need to follow the instructions on the readme pages, but if you want to have a look, check their readme here:
$ script/plugin install git://
class AddFacebookConnectFieldsToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :users, :facebook_uid, :string add_column :users, :facebook_access_token, :string end def self.down remove_column :users, :facebook_access_token remove_column :users, :facebook_uid end end
Create config/facebooker.yml with the appropriate environment.
app_id: <your application id> secret: <your application secret> api_key: <your application key>
Create config/initializers/facebooker2.rb and place the following line in it
Add the following line to your app/controllers/application_controller.rb
include Facebooker2::Rails::Controller
Add the buttons provided by facebooker2 using the oauth_callback route, like so (the fb_connect_async_js is only needed once per page): <%= fb_connect_async_js %> <%= fb_login_and_redirect(oauth_callback_url, :perms => User::FACEBOOK_SCOPE, :display => ‘popup’) %>
or you can do something a bit more user friendly, for people who are logged on facebook but not on your site. With the code below, they will see their name next to the button.
<%= fb_connect_async_js %> <% if current_facebook_user && current_facebook_user.fetch %> <%= fb_login_and_redirect(oauth_callback_url, :perms => User::FACEBOOK_SCOPE, :display => ‘popup’) %> <%= “ as #{current_facebook_user.first_name} #{current_facebook_user.last_name} (” + fb_logout_link(“change account?”, request.url) + “)” %> <% else %> <%= fb_login_and_redirect(oauth_callback_url, :perms => User::FACEBOOK_SCOPE, :display => ‘popup’) %> <% end %>
If you want to save some user data when connecting to facebook you can use the before_connect hook in your user model. Ex:
def before_connect(facebook_user)
# facebook_uid and facebook_access_token are automatically set by the plugin
self.first_name = facebook_user.first_name self.last_name = facebook_user.last_name self.gender = facebook_user.gender
# Set other tokens
self.single_access_token = Authlogic::Random.friendly_token self.perishable_token = Authlogic::Random.friendly_token reset_persistence_token end
If you want to access facebook data in some other controller, it’s very easy, just add these two lines
client =
fb_user = Mogli::User.find(@current_user.facebook_uid, client)
And now you can use fb_user.gender to get the user gender for exemple.
For more information about what you can get form the facebook_user checkout the Mogli gem rdoc.