
Python Flink (DataStream)

Primary LanguagePython


Python Flink (DataStream)

Team members names

  • Rohitha Reddy Meda
  • Sowmya Thogiti
  • Vigneshwar Reddy Lenkala

Sowmya Thogiti

Demonstration skill:

To read a collection of numbers from 0 to 9, filter the even numbers and multiply them by 10 and finally store them in another collection using PyFlink DataStream.


  • Apache Flink Installed (2.12 or 2.11)
  • IntelliJ IDE installed from source
  • PIP installed
  • Python 3.7 version installed and set in path of environment variables
  • pyflink installed source

Introduction to DataStream API:

  • Apache Flink offers a DataStream API for building robust, stateful streaming applications.
  • It provides fine-grained control over state and time, which allows for the implementation of advanced event-driven systems
  • Flink is considered as the next-gen stream processing system.
  • Flink offers substantially higher processing speeds to spark and hadoop.
  • Flink provides low latency and high throughput

How to download Flink:

  • Check the versions of pip and python in terminal of IntelliJ IDE using:
    • pip --version
    • python --version
  • Once the python is of version 3.7.0, use below command to run in terminal opened in IntelliJ IDE using:
    • pip install apache-flink
  • Install pyflink using below command in terminal: pip install pyflink

How to setup pyflink:

  • open IntelliJ IDE and open the installed path of pyflink from file select.
  • Build project from build menu.
  • Run whole project and wait for all the dependencies installed into your local machine.
  • Start working on pyflink projects.

Flink set-up using python:

  • Create a new file using File\New\Python file
  • Provide a new name for the file such as task1.py
  • In order to configure python interpreter, we need to select File\Project Structure
  • in Project structure, under project settings - project SDK list - select Add sdk list - select python SDK.
  • Under Add python SDk Interpreter - select Virtualenv Environment - Base interpreter--select the path of python 3.7(python.exe).
  • Click OK
  • Click apply and then OK again.
  • After applying SDK changes, venv folder is created by default which stores all respective libraries and scripts.

Source code of above topic:



Demonstration video link:

Sowmya Demo video

Vigneshwar Reddy Lenkala

Demonstration skill:

To read a collection of words, calculate the length of each and return a file with each line containing the word and its length using PyFlink DataStream.


  • Apache Flink Installed (2.12 or 2.11)
  • PIP installed
  • IntelliJ IDE installed
  • Python 3.7 version installed

Introduction to DataStream API

  • Apache Flink is an Open source stream processing framework for distributed, high performance data streaming application.
  • Apache Flink offers a DataStream API for building robust, stateful streaming applications.
  • It provides fine-grained control over state and time, which allows for the implementation of advanced event-driven systems.
  • Flink also provides batch processing, graph processing, Itearative proccessing for Machine learning applications.
  • Flink is considered as the next-gen stream processing system.
  • Flink offers substantially higher processing speeds to spark and hadoop.
  • Flink provides low latency and high throughput

Installation steps of PyFlink

  • Python version (3.5, 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8) is required for PyFlink. Please run the following command to make sure that it meets the requirements:
  • $ python --version
  • Check the version of pip using command:
  • $ pip --version
  • Use the below command to install apache-flink 1.12.0
  • $ python -m pip install apache-flink 1.12.0

Code snippet:

Output snippet:

Demonstration video link:

Vignesh Demo Video


Rohitha Reddy Meda

Demonstration skill:

To read a file containing sentences in each line, filter lines containing a certain word and write them to a new file


  • Apache Flink Installed (2.12 or 2.11)
  • PIP installed
  • IntelliJ IDE installed
  • Python 3.7 version installed and set in path of environment variables

Introduction to DataStream API:

  • To develop stable, stateful streaming applications, Apache Flink offers a DataStream API.
  • It provides fine-grained state and time control that enables advanced event-driven systems to be introduced.
  • Flink is known as the delivery system for next-gen streams.
  • For spark and hadoop, Flink provides significantly higher processing speeds.
  • Flink provides low latency and high throughput.

Flink set-up using python:

  • Create a new file using File\New\Python file
  • Provide a new name for the file such as project1.py
  • We must pick File\Project Structure to configure the python interpreter.
  • Under Project Structure, under Project Settings - Project SDK List - choice Add SDK List - choose Python SDK.
  • Under Add python SDk Interpreter - choose Virtualenv Environment - Base Interpreter—choose python 3.7 road (python.exe).
  • Click OK
  • Click apply and then OK again.
  • The env folder is generated by default after applying SDK changes, which stores all the respective libraries and scripts.

Code for my topic

Input and Output snip

Demonstration video link:
