
Text Processing, Language Translation, and Social Network Analysis

Project Overview

This project develops a comprehensive tool in Python for text processing, language translation, and social network analysis. It includes a range of functionalities that deal with text data manipulation, translation of English words to Latin, and analyzing social network relationships.


Text Processing

  • File Reading: Functions to read text from files and display the content.
  • Text Cleaning: Removes punctuation and unnecessary whitespace, and converts text to lowercase.
  • Sentence Segmentation: Splits text into individual sentences.

Language Translation

  • English to Latin Translation: Translates English words to Latin by rearranging letters and adding suffixes.
  • Vowel Checking: Determines whether a word starts with a vowel to guide the translation process.

Social Network Analysis

  • Social Network Construction: Reads social relationships from files to build a network represented as a dictionary.
  • Following Functionality: Determines whom a user is following within the network.

Performance Evaluation

Uses the '%timeit' magic command to measure and compare the execution time of functions.


This project showcases the integration of various Python functionalities for handling and analyzing text and network data. It provides a solid foundation for further exploration in text analysis, language translation, and social network dynamics.