
Write blog posts using markdown formatting

Primary LanguagePHP


Write blog posts using markdown formatting.

Scroll is a sample laravel package built on test purpose. It can be used to write articles using markdown formatting.


This package is built following vicgonvt's Press package.

Changes and Updates

Scroll is updated to Laravel 7 along with proper replacement of all str_ and array_ helper methods using Str and Array class. Also, assertContains() methods for testing updated with assertStringContainsString() method. The structure of Scroll slightly defers with the structure of Press.


Add the following lines to your composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "sowrensen/scroll": "dev-master"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": "https://github.com/sowrensen/Scroll.git"

Hence run composer update in the terminal.

Publish Configs

You have to publish the configuration file to use the package. Run the following command and a scroll.php file will be placed at the config folder of your app.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=scroll-config

Writing markdown files

Before you start writing your own markdown posts, you've to define a place to store them in the scroll.php config file. By default it is set to scrolls which will be placed on your project's root directory. You can change the directory name.

Once you created desired directory, you can write your posts using following format.

Sample markdown file

title: A beautiful post title
date: June 13, 2020

## Heading of my post

Content of my post

You can add custom field in header section. Try adding a mood field.

Processing custom fields

Now, if you want, you can customize how your custom field appear while it is getting parsed. Also you can overwrite any of the field parsing style provided by default. For that you have to publish the Service Provider.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=scroll-provider

Then, create a new directory Fields in your app directory and create a new PHP class there. For example, I'm creating a Mood.php file. This class will extend Sowren\Scroll\Fields\FieldContract class and define process() static method which receives three arguments $fieldType, $fieldValue, and $data.

// Mood.php

namespace App\Fields;

use Sowren\Scroll\Fields\FieldContract;

class Mood extends FieldContract
    public static function process($fieldType, $fieldValue, $data)
        return [
            'mood' => 'Do something with your mood',

As a last step, add this class to the registerFields() method of recently published Providers\ScrollServiceProviders class.

// ScrollServiceProvider.php

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Sowren\Scroll\Facades\Scroll;

class ScrollServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected function registerFields()
        return [

Repeat the same procedure for overwriting any other predefined fields.