
Calculates total size of user uploaded files inside Laravel projects and writes output to public directory.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This scripts calculates the total size of the storage/app directory (user uploaded files) of multiple Laravel apps. Define the project root and depth in .env file and run the script as a cron job.


Version 2.0.0

  • Added option to determine whole project size.
  • Improved code structure.
  • Added a requirement.txt file to work with usual virtualenv.
  • Removed Pipenv support.

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed bug related to project root.

Version 1.0

  • Initial release



Run following commands in your terminal to copy this repository and for primary setup.

git clone https://github.com/sowrensen/fileculator.git
cd fileculator
python -m venv ./venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp .env.example .env

Environment Variables

Before you can run the script, you've to declare a few environment variables in .env file. An example .env file has been added for your consistency. Just copy the .env.example file as .env and define the values for the following two keys.

  • PROJECT_ROOT: This will be the directory where all of your Laravel projects reside, e.g. /home/<user>/projects, or /var/www, or /usr/share/nginx. Note that, if you keep your projects into some place which is in root directory, you have to run the script as root. You know how Linux works, right?

  • PROJECT_DEPTH (1, 2): This key defines the searching depths for directories. The value should be either 1 or 2. If you have subdirectories in your root directory, you have to put 2, else put 1. For example, suppose this is the file structure inside your PROJECT_ROOT:

     - App_1_Instance_1/
     - App_1_Instance_2/
     - App_2_Instance_1/
     - App_2_Instance_2/

    In the above case, you have to put depth value 2. If there is only one level of application directory, you can put 1.

  • STORAGE_ONLY (0, 1): This key defines the size of the whole Laravel project is to be calculate (including vendor, node_modules etc.) or only the storage directory. The expected value should be either 0 or 1.


The script calculates the total size (in bytes) of the /storage/app directory inside each Laravel project and puts the storage information into a json file named storage.json inside that directory which is Laravel's public directory. Thus the generated file is ignored in any version control system. The data inside the storage.json file looks like:

    "size": 112, 
    "written_at": "2019-12-17 15:08:42.249758"

Laravel can use the information for various purposes. Since this is an expensive operation, you should run the script as a cron job so that it doesn't interfere with HTTP response. Note that, the output file will be replaced during the next run.

Cron Example

You can run the file directly from cron job. However, if you face difficulties to run pipenv from cron, better you create a bash script like this.



cd "${FILECULATOR}" && "${PYTHON}" "${SCRIPT}"

Make the bash script executable by running:

chmod +x fileculator.sh

Now run the bash script as cron job. This following cron job will run on every even hour and write the log into the defined log file.

0 */2 * * * /path/to/bash/fileculator.sh > /path/to/fileculator_output.log

If you don't want a log file:

0 */2 * * * /path/to/bash/fileculator.sh >/dev/null 2>&1