Historical revisions of the html formatted US Code going back to 1994.
Proof of concept intended to facilitate civilian temporal tracking of changes to the US Code.
The base xhtml was retrieved from the US House of Representatives annual historical archives (https://uscode.house.gov/download/annualhistoricalarchives/downloadxhtml.shtml).
Code was modified to remove extraneous page IDs, itemsortkey, and removing html encoding to make diffs more legible.
Todo: add additional repositories or branches to track other formats
plain text
html formatted without revision history/amendments that can be visualized through git/diff tools
current and recent release points
full historical reproduction of all modifications to the post 1920s revisions to the US Code (have not yet found a continuous archive to work from )
to view content of any page in this repo as (ugly) html in your browser, prepend https://htmlpreview.github.io/? to the url in your browser bar (until I get a chance to turn this into an index).