
Rails Hotwire with Devise

Primary LanguageRuby


This application accompanies the guide originally published here which demonstrates a technique for retaining access to session variables like current_user or Current.user when broadcasting updates via a Turbo Stream ActionCable Channel.

The interesting part part of the code is the rendering of the spy_frame partial via an after_create_commit callback in the Spy model. The spy_frame renders a lazy loaded Turbo Frame that then retrieves the spy partial via a request to spies#show, allowing us to access the value of each subscribers session[:clearance] and to use that value to conditionally render content in the spy partial. The technique in this article isn't my invention - the original source for the idea came from a post on the Hotwire discussion forum, found here.

To run this code locally you'll need Ruby, Rails, and Yarn installed. Then, clone the repository, open the cloned repository in your terminal and then:

rails db:create db:migrate
rails s

I've installed the gem Devise to use the current_user in the frames