
Minimalistic Docker-like container implementation in go. Based off Liz Rice's excellent GOTO 2018 talk. Designed for use with IEEE-ITBA's Python course forum/online interpreter.

Primary LanguageGo


a lightweight containerization tool


  • Linux
  • A linux filesystem if you wish to containerize to a linux environment. You can get one from Alpine Linux


How to open a ash window, which is like bash (Alpine linux fs)

gontainer -chrt "/home/alpine-fs" run ash 

Example on how to run python (must be installed beforehand, see Gockerfile)

gontainer -chrt "/home/alpine-fs" run python3 



  • Gontainer binary
  • mnt-vfs.sh shell script
  • Linux filesystem image (alpine available at Alpine Linux)
  • Root privilidges for all commands
  1. Create a blank virtual file system and mount using the mnt-vfs.sh script.

    cd /dev/external-hard-drive
    sudo mnt-vfs.sh VFS 200

    This command will create a directory for the VFS at /mnt/VFS and create a blank image for the filesystem of type ext3 in the working directory called VFS.ext3. The size of the image will be 200MB, trying to store more than that on the filesystem will be impossible. Finally it mounts the newly created VFS.ext3 filesystem image to /mnt/VFS so that the filesystem is ready to use. It also adds an mounting line to /etc/fstab file so that when mounting the filesystem correct parameters are used.

  2. Copy linux filesystem image to newly created VFS. For this example the filesystem is located at $HOME/alpine-fs.

    sudo cp -r $HOME/alpine-fs/* /mnt/VFS/

    Check if copy was succesfull:

    # ls /mnt/upsya-vfs
    alpine-fs  bin  dev  etc  home  lib  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
  3. You may now use gontainer on the image. Open a shell with ash

    sudo gontainer -chrt /mnt/my-vfs run sh

    Look at the Gockerfile for typical first commands on getting a python installation up and running.

To uninstall virtual filesystem delete the line in your /etc/fstab folder corresponding to the virtual filesystem (only one line with second value set to mount directory). Finally delete the mount directory.