
Neural network minimal working example in Go fit for teaching.

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A repository to show the most basic Neural Network implementation possible with different functionality/optimizations.

Complexity Features
Level 0 ~100 line basic building blocks of a neural network demonstration in level0.go. Training the neural network is possible with logic in level0training.go. One does not need to train a neural network to use it, which is why these files are split for the most basic level. Based on the first part of Sebastian Lague's video.
Level 1 Planned...
Optimized An advanced implementation of a NN with backpropagated gradient descent using a velocity-momentum model. Runs much faster than Level 0. Based on Sebastian Lague's final neural network implementation from the final section of his video. Still contains bugs.

Mnist digit image/label database

Mnist database package available for import under mnist. mnist.

go get github.com/soypat/neurus/mnist@latest