Soywiz Minecraft Plugin


./gradlew jar

Plugin .jar file should be in build/libs


Misc commands

  • /repair - Repair all the items in the inventory. Works standalone and on a command block
  • /firework - Gives you 64 Firework Rockets

Command-block teleporters

  • /where - Shows your current position and stores it to be used with /teleporter
  • /teleporter - Creates a bidirectional teleporter between this position and the position stored with /where
  • /unteleporter - Removes a near teleporter/command block

Named teleport commands

  • /remember <name> - Saves the current position with a name
  • /forget <name> - Removes the named place
  • /go <name> - Teleports to the saved location
  • /places - Lists all the saved places
