
Realworld Kotlin experiments

Primary LanguageKotlin

Ktorbased realworld backend




You have to execute a mongodb server in your machine in the default 27017 port without authentication..

Compile Ktor 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT with authentication optionalbranch from source

You have to download ktor https://github.com/ktorio/ktor and to checkout the authenticate.optional branch and execute ./gradlew install

Execute the ktor-based realworld backend

Now you can go to the folder ktor-backend and execute gradle run. It should run the API at (the / endpoint should return {"ok":"ok"}).

Execute a compatible frontend pointing to the backend

There is a folder react-redux-realworld-example-app containing the react sample, but pointing to the local endpoint.

You can start it with npm install && npm start.

It should open a browser pointing to

If everything went fine, you should be able to test the backend locally.