:globe_with_meridians: Web App Template (WAT) for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Web App Template (WAT) for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

Web App Template (WAT) is Visual Studio 2015 project that lets developers create Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps based on existing web content.

Used in the right way, WAT can facilitate the creation of compelling extensions to your web content for Windows users.

What's new


Template automatically pulls in all items from all navbar, appbar, settings and search items. You can toggle this feature for any or all in the configuration file.

  • For items in navbar, appbar and settings; you can use "AppName Go [to] ItemName" to navigate
  • For search; you can use "AppName Search [for] SearchTerm" to search

In-app Voice Commands

Similar to Cortana, but only pulls in all navbar commands, and search. You can toggle this feature in the configuration file.

  • Home will navigate to home URL.
  • Back will navigate to the last page.
  • Search will popup a new dialog box that accepts user voice input for any search terms.
  • Any other navigation command will navigate to it's predefined url.


Template uses the "wat_navbar" property in the configuration file to populate this list.

AutoSuggest Box

Template uses the "wat_search" property in the configuration file to direct search terms.


Enables user to ink and share inking to any share target app. You can toggle this feature via the "wat_ink" toggle in the configuration file. If you don't have header enabled, you can not use the inking since there won't be a button to toggle it.


Template automatically pulls in all navbar items to the app jumplist for quick navigation. (This feature is only available on Windows 10 Version 1511 or later)


Appbar items are moved to a WinJS.UI.Toolbar at the bottom. Settings items are moved to a WinJS.UI.Toolbar at the top as a secondary section item.

Removed deprecated APIs

All deprecated APIs, such as SearchPane, SearchBox and more are replaced and/or removed.

WinJS 4.4

Updated with WinJS v4.4

Getting Started

You need Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or later

  • Clone or download the template
  • Open the "config.json" file in the config folder and modify accordingly
  • Press F5 to deploy
  • Publish when ready!


http://wat-docs.azurewebsites.net/ (outdated)

Feedback / Bug report / feature request



Feel free to submit pull requests


Based on http://wat.codeplex.com/