WAMP - The Web Application Messaging Protocol

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The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol

WAMP is an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns:

  • Remote Procedure Calls
  • Publish and Subscribe

Find out more on the Web site or get in touch on the mailing list.


WAMP v2 is currently under development. Along with a name change ('Web Application Messaging Protocol'), this greatly extends the power and flexibility of the protocol. Comments to the draft spec are highly welcome!

For a working (in progress) implementation of WAMP v2, and examples illustrating the benefits of the new version, take a look at AutobahnPython.

WAMP Project Web site development

The WAMP project Web site is built using Flask and Jinja2 templating, and then frozen for production into a set of static files using Frozen-Flask.

To install relevant stuff:

easy_install flask
easy_install frozen-flask

To test:

  make test

This will run Flask via a WSGI server based Twisted Web.

To deploy the Web site to Amazon S3 (only relevant for those authorized):

make deploy