
Generation scripts for EARS-WHAM and EARS-Reverb

Primary LanguagePython

EARS-WHAM and EARS-Reverb generation scripts

This repository contains generation scripts for the EARS-WHAM and EARS-Reverb benchmarks.

Please make sure you have installed the required packages.

You can run the following command to install them:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate EARS-WHAM

To generate EARS-WHAM, first download the original EARS and WHAM! datasets with the following command, where <data_dir> is the directory where the datasets will be downloaded:

bash download_ears_wham.sh <data_dir>

Then you can generate the EARS-WHAM dataset with the following command:

python generate_ears_wham.py --data_dir <data_dir> --copy_clean

Generate EARS-Reverb

To generate EARS-Reverb, first download the original EARS and RIR datasets with the following command, where <data_dir> is the directory where the datasets will be downloaded:

bash download_ears_reverb.sh <data_dir>

Then you can generate the EARS-Reverb dataset with the following command:

python generate_ears_reverb.py --data_dir <data_dir> --copy_clean


The code and dataset are released under CC-NC 4.0 International license.


If you use the dataset or any derivative of it, please cite our research paper:

  title={{EARS}: An Anechoic Fullband Speech Dataset Benchmarked for Speech Enhancement and Dereverberation},
  author={Richter, Julius and Wu, Yi-Chiao and Krenn, Steven and Welker, Simon and Lay, Bunlong and Watanabe, Shinjii and Richard, Alexander and Gerkmann, Timo},
  booktitle={ISCA Interspeech},

For audio samples, visit the project page.