HoWCoM 2023 - Collaboration and Versioning Framework

This repository contains the artifacts provided for the HoWCoM 2023 MODELS Workshop.

File description

  • framework.xml contains the complete feature model as presented in the paper. This file can directly opened in FeatureIDE (> v3.9.3)
  • framework.uvl contains the complete feature model in the novel universal variablity language (UVL). This model needs some more files in order to be opened correctly in FeatureIDE:
    • submodules/*: Some parts of the feature model are outsourced in so-called submodules for a better reuse.
    • .profiles/To Be Deleted.profile: this file contains the color information for all constraints. For some reason, it must be named like this!?
  • framework.pdf: PDF with the complete feature model and the constraints for each main-subtree side-by-side.
  • configurations/*: This directory contains the configurations as presented in the paper.
  • configurations.pdf: PDF with the configurations in a comparison table.
  • index.html: The main entrypoint of the interactive website that allows the generation of configurations. The following files are needed by the website to work:
    • alternative.svg, or.svg: just two icons used in the feature tree.
    • framework.xml: this file is directly used by the website to build up the feature tree.
    • js/*: needed javascript modules for the generation of the featuretree and the interactive analysis of the current configuration according to the cross tree constraints.

Interactive Configurator

At the interactive configurator is up and running and can be directly used.