
A brief demo showing how to authenticate and make a couple simple requests with the Google Glass Mirror API using node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Glass Mirror API using node.js Demo

A brief demo showing how to authenticate and make a couple simple requests with the Google Glass Mirror API using node.js

Here's a blog post detailing the code contained in this repo.

All this does right now is allows a user to authenticate, pushes the message 'hello world' to Glass, and requests the user's timeline for the registered app.


  • follow the instructions in the Mirror API documentation for registering a new app
  • pull down this repository and run npm install
  • copy sample_config.json to config.json, and replace the values with those from the Google Developer's console
  • run node app.js
  • visit the app in your browser, and authenticate with Google


Currently, this is incredibly simple, and as such is completely lacking in style, structure, and functionality. This is intended to demonstrate two things, first how to authenticate with Google for the Mirror API with OAuth2, using node.js. Second, it begins to show how you can use node.js to make requests with the Mirror API. Think of it as the quick-start for node.js.