
Pwnagotchi companion app for Pebble

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pebblegotchi is a Pebble watchface able to display a pwnagotchi's advertisement data.

It acts as a remote pwnagotchi display, and refreshes data every minute.


  • Displays time and date if no unit is around
  • Displays monitored channel, APs information, uptime, hostname, status, captured handshakes, the SSID of the most recently acquired handshake, and the unit's temperature
  • Refreshes every minute on a dark background to reduce battery consumption


  • A working pwnagotchi unit (duh)
  • The state-api pwnagotchi plugin (thanks dipsylala!) up and running
  • The bt-tether pwnagotchi plugin up and running
  • A smartphone with bluetooth tethering enabled (required for IP communication with the unit)
  • A Pebble watch (only the Pebble Time is supported for now)
  • The Pebble SDK to build the application


  1. Install and configure your pwnagotchi. This is outside of the scope of this documentation, however the pwnagotchi website is a good place to get started.
  2. Configure the bt-tether pwnagotchi plugin with your smarthpone. Only Android has been tested for now. The pwnagotchi community website holds a whole lot of helpful information.
  3. Download, install and configure the state-api plugin. The README is pretty self explanatory (download, copy state-api.py in plugins folder, copy goes_in_ui_web in the right folder, and modify your config.yml).
  4. Verify that everything works fine on your phone: (re)boot the pwnagotchi in AUTO mode, wait for it to connect, and visit http://BLUETOOTH_URL:8080/plugins/state-api/json (usually, depending on what you set up in the bt-tether configuration).
  5. Verify that the src/pkjs/index.js holds the correct values to connect to your pwnagotchi (the url, username and password variables).
  6. Build and install the application (see next section).

Building and installing

You'll need the Pebble SDK installed in order to build the app. Installing the SDK is outside of the scope of this documentation, but one might want to check out this reddit thread to get started.

Once the SDK is installed:

$ pebble build
$ pebble install --phone=IP_OF_PHONE

The pebble install will only work if:

  • Your phone is on the same network as where you're building the application
  • You activated the developer server in the Pebble App (Settings->Developer mode->Developer connections)

One could alternatively manually install the produced app in build/pebblegotchi.pbw by pushing it on the phone.

Known issues

  • Only basalt is supported (Pebble Time)
  • Pwnagotchi's faces are not rendered properly because Pebble's unicode support is quite poor. This will be improved in the future either by redeveloping the app in C (allowing to use custom fonts), of by rendering SVG's of the faces
  • Pwnagotchi status is not properly rendered when len(status) > 16
  • There's a delay of 15 seconds before anything is displayed on the watch when first launching the app
  • Friends are not displayed (for now)

PR's and issues are obviously welcome in the usual github locations.