
Web scraping | Website cloner

Primary LanguagePython


This scraping/crawling and website cloner tool will help you to extract all url, emails on a website, allows you create your own searches using RegEx on a website and create a website copy for your phishing labs (educational purposes only)


  • url -Extract url from a website
  • email -Extract emails from a website
  • regx -Allows you to create your own searches using RegEx on a website
  • clone -Allows you make a website copy to local folder (usefull for phishing labs) # educational purposes only
  • help -Help about any command

  • install requirements

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    show module help menu

     python3 WebRunner.py [module] -h 
     example: python3 WebRunner.py url -h

    optional arguments:

      -u, --url                 set target url
      -s, --string              set RegEx query
      -a, --user-agent          set user-agent 'DirRunner v1.0' by default
      -t, --threads             set threads
      -h, --help                show this message
      -c, --cookie              set cookies to use for the requests
      -k, --no-tls-validation   skip TLS certificate verification
      -n, --name                set project name 
      -f, --folder              set destination folder 
          --timeout             HTTP Timeout (default 15s)


     python3 WebRunner.py clone -u https://www.domain.com -n mysite

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    URL extractor mode

      python3 WebRunner.py url -u https://www.domain.com

    Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 15 30 11

    Emails extractor mode

      python3 WebRunner.py email -u https://www.domain.com

    RegEx mode, example for extract THM{T3ST_M3SSAG3} on a website, use https://regexr.com for help

      python3 WebRunner.py regx -u https://www.domain.com -s "THM[A-Z0-9_{}]{6,}"

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