
A simple app providing three models: Country, Region and City model. Also provided, a command to insert or update data from geonames database dumps. Status: stable.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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django-cities-light -- Simple django-cities alternative

This add-on provides models and commands to import country, region/state, and city data in your database.

The data is pulled from GeoNames and contains cities, regions/states and countries.

Spatial query support is not required by this application.

This application is very simple and is useful if you want to make a simple address book for example. If you intend to build a fully featured spatial database, you should use django-cities.


  • Python 2.7 or 3.3,
  • Django >= 1.6 for django-cities-light 3.x.x
  • or Django >= 1.4 <= 1.6 for django-cities-light 2.x.x
  • MySQL (better in 3.x.x) or PostgreSQL or SQLite.
  • django-south is optionnal, but recommended, for django <= 1.6

Yes, for some reason, code that used to work on MySQL (not without pain xD) does not work anymore. So we're now using django.db.transaction.atomic which comes from Django 1.6 just to support MySQL quacks.




Install django-cities-light:

pip install django-cities-light

Or the development version:

pip install -e git+git@github.com:yourlabs/django-cities-light.git#egg=cities_light

Add cities_light to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Configure filters to exclude data you don't want, ie.:


Now, run syncdb, it will only create tables for models that are not disabled:

./manage.py syncdb

Note that this project supports django-south. It is recommended that you use south too else you're on your own for migrations/upgrades.


Since version 2.4.0, django-cities-light uses django migrations by default. This means that django-south users should add to settings:

    'cities_light': 'cities_light.south_migrations',

Data update

Finally, populate your database with command:

./manage.py cities_light

This command is well documented, consult the help with:

./manage.py help cities_light


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