
Study Friendly Implementation of Pix2Pix in Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePython

Pix2Pix in Tensorflow

Study Friendly Implementation of Pix2Pix in Tensorflow

[Paper | Post(in Korean) | Pytorch Version]

1. Environments

  • Windows 10
  • Python 3.5.3 (Anaconda)
  • Tensorflow 1.4.0
  • Numpy 1.13.1

2. Code Description

  • train.py: Main Code
  • test.py: Test Code after Training
  • model.py: Generator and Discriminator
  • dbread.py: My Own Code for Reading Database

3. Networks and Parameters

3.1 Hyper-Parameters

  • Image Size = 256x256 (Resized)
  • Batch Size = 1 or 4
  • Learning Rate = 0.0002
  • Adam_beta1 = 0.5
  • Lambda_A = 100 (Weight of L1-Loss)

Detail Recommandations for Each Dataset are on the Last Page of Original Paper

3.2 Generator Networks (network.py)

3.3 Discriminator Networks (network.py)

4. Database

4.1 DB Download

download-dataset.py is from this github link

  • facades: python database/download-dataset.py facades
  • cityscapes: python database/download-dataset.py cityscapes
  • maps: python database/download-dataset.py maps
  • edges2shoes: python database/download-dataset.py edges2shoes
  • edges2handbags: python database/download-dataset.py edges2handbags

4.2 DB Setting

  • You just have to get a text file that contains all directories of your image data(filelist.txt).
  • You can make filelist with following command.
cd <database_dir>
dir /b /s > filelist.txt
  • Then you must open 'filelist.txt' and delete line 'your_db_dir/filelist.txt'.

5. Train

python train.py --train filelist.txt
  • --train: Directory of the Text File of Train Filelist
  • --out_dir: Directory to Save your Train Result
  • --epochs: Num of Epochs You Want
  • --batch_size: Batch Size You Want
  • --direction: 'AtoB' or 'BtoA'

After finish training, saved models are in the ./output/checkpoint directory and the Train Results are saved in ./output/result.(default)

6. Test

python test.py --train filelist.txt
  • --test: Directory of the Text File of Test Filelist
  • --out_dir: Directory to Save your Train Result
  • --ckpt_dir: Directory of Trained Model
  • --visnum: Number of Visualization in an Image File
  • --direction: 'AtoB' or 'BtoA'

Test results will be saved in ./output_test(default)

7. Results

[Input | Generated | Ground Truth]

Edges to Shoes (8 Epochs)

15 Epochs (which is in the Paper) will give better results

Maps to Aerials (200 Epochs)

Architectural labels to Photo (200 Epochs)