
E-Commerce Shop with React, Mobx, Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ecommerce Shop

  • Front-end: React, Mobx, Typescript
  • Back-end: Strapi


  • setItem - Sets the quantity of an item in the basket.
  • removeItem - Removes an item from the basket.
  • setAddress - Sets the address, specifically the country.
  • setDelivery - Sets the delivery method to be used to deliver the order.
  • loadProducts - Loads products.
  • loadCountries - Loads countries.
  • loadDeliveryMethods - Loads delivery methods.
  • setPaymentOptions - Sets the payment options and purchase hook.
  • purchase - Processes order.
  • completed - Called when payment has been successully processed.
  • refreshCheckout - (Used internally).
  • setErrors - Can be used to set errors manually.


  • AddressStore - The current address, specifically the country.
  • BasketStore - The items currently in the basket.
  • CountriesStore - The list of all countries.
  • DeliveryMethodsStore - The available delivery methods for the current address.
  • DeliveryStore - The currently selected delivery method and it's associated cost.
  • OrderStore - The current state of the order with totals, adjustments and errors.
  • PaymentOptionsStore - The payment options.
  • ProductsStore - The list of all products.
  • CheckoutStore - (Used internally).