
NASA Horizontal Wind Model HWM93 in Python and Matlab

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HWM93 in Python

NASA Horizontal Wind Model HWM93 in Python ≥ 3.6


Works with many Fortran compilers, including:

  • Gfortran ≥ 5
  • Intel ifort
  • PGI pgf90
  • Nvidia flang


A Fortran compiler such as gfortran is needed. We use f2py (part of numpy) to seamlessly use Fortran libraries from Python. If you don't have a Fortran compiler, here is how to install Gfortran:

  • Linux: apt install gfortran

  • Mac: brew install gcc

  • Windows

    pip install -e .

test by

pytest -sv


If you get ImportError on Windows for the Fortran module, try from the hwm93 directory:

del *.pyd
python setup.py build_ext --inplace --compiler=mingw32


HWM93 can be used from the command line or as an imported Python module in other programs. Matlab also can use HWM93.

Command line

python RunHWM93.py -h

Write data to NetCDF (HDF5) with -o option.

import module

import hwm93
from datetime import datetime

winds = hwm93.run(t=datetime(2017,11,12,8), altkm=150.,
                    glat=65., glon=-148., f107a=150, f107=150, ap=4)

winds is an xarray.Dataset

Dimensions:     (alt_km: 1)
  * alt_km      (alt_km) float64 150.0
Data variables:
    meridional  (alt_km) float64 4.827
    zonal       (alt_km) float64 -20.5
    time:     2017-11-12T08:00:00
    glat:     65.0
    glon:     -148.0

If you want just a single variable, say



You can import this Python module from Matlab as in hwm93.m.


[Optional] Fortran-only use

Most users don't need this.

meson build

meson test -C build


f2py -c src/hwm93_sub.f  -m hwm93 only: gws5 :


Original A. E. Hedin Fortran 77 HWM93 code