Client payment SDK Python

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Client payment SDK provides convenient access to the API from applications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses.


via pip

  1. Install pip.
  2. In the console, run the following command:
pip install client-payment-sdk

via easy_install

  1. Install easy_install.
  2. In the console, run the following command:
easy_install --upgrade client-payment-sdk

via setuptools

  1. In the console, run the following command:
tar zxf client-payment-sdk-python-main.tar.gz
cd client-payment-sdk-python-main
python install


  • Python 3.10+


from client_payment_sdk import ClientPaymentSDK, sign

client = ClientPaymentSDK()


See API docs.

All examples here.


Description: Payment initiation.


Name Description Example Required
amount payment amount 10 +
order order number in your system order-00001 +
merchant_id your id in the system 1 +
product_id product id in the system 1 +
to_card payment card number 4111111111111111 -
signature signature quahJ5th... +
description order description Ordering a product -
language language: ru or en en -
finish_url url to which to redirect the user after payment -
2notification_url url to which to send a notification of payment -
lifetime link time in seconds (default 3600) 3600 -



Name Description Example Required
pan card number 4111111111111111 +
expire_month card expiry date (month) 01 +
expire_year card expiry date (year) 25 +
cvc cvc-code 1 +

3DS 2.0


Name Description Example Required
device_channel authentication channel BRW +
device_browser_ip browser IP address +
device_browser_accept_header accepted content text/html +
device_browser_java_enabled indication of work with Java false +
device_browser_language browser language RU +
device_browser_color_depth browser colour depth 32 +
device_browser_screen_height browser screen height 800 +
device_browser_screen_width browser screen width 480 +
device_browser_tz browser time zone in minutes from UTC 60, 120, -180 +
device_browser_user_agent browser user agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 +
challenge_window_size size of challenge window 02 +

Return: InitPaymentResponse

Field name Default
status None
payment_redirect_url None
url None
form_data None


result = client.init(params)


Description: Get payment status.


Name Description Example Required
merchant_id your id in the system 1 +
product_id product id in the system 1 +
order your id in the system order-00001 +
signature signature quahJ5th... +

Return: StatusPaymentResponse

Field name Default
status None
payment_status None
refund_status None
last_payment_error_code None
last_payment_error None


result = client.status(params)


Description: Get balance.


Name Description Example Required
merchant_id your id in the system 1 +
currency account currency (RUB by default) RUB -
signature signature quahJ5th... +

Return: BalanceResponse

Field name Default
status None
balance None


result = client.balance(params)


Description: Withdrawal request.


Name Description Example Required
merchant_id your id in the system 1 +
order order number in your system order-00001 +
currency account currency (RUB by default) RUB -
pan card number 4242424242424242 +
amount payment amount 10 +
signature signature quahJ5th... +
notification_url url to which to send a notification of payment -

Return: WithdrawalResponse

Field name Default
status None
withdrawal_request None


result = client.withdrawal(params)


Description: Withdrawal status.


Name Description Example Required
merchant_id your id in the system 1 +
id withdrawal request id 1523 +
signature signature quahJ5th... +


Name Description Example Required
merchant_id your id in the system 1 +
order withdrawal number in your system order-00001 +
signature signature quahJ5th... +

Return: StatusWithdrawalResponse

Field name Default
status None
withdrawal_request None


result = client.withdrawal_status(params)


Description: Signature verification.


Name Description Example Required
endpoint path from url /webhooks +
method HTTP method POST +
params payload from response WebhookData(data_from_response) +
secret secret 1234fwes +

Return: True or raise error SignatureVerificationError.


data = WebhookData(data_from_response)
Webhook.verify_signature('/webhooks', 'POST', data, api_secret)


Description: Notification class, is needed for the Webhook.verify_signature() method and to more easily get data from the request.

Arguments: dict

Return: WebhookData

Name Description Example
webhook_type webhook type invoice
amount payment amount amount
product_id product id in the system 1
merchant_id your id in the system 1
order order number in your system order-00001
currency payment currency RUB
status payment status complete/failed complete
webhook_id webhook id, same on repetition 1
payment_error_code error code (if status='failed') common
payment_error error text (if status='failed') insufficient funds
signature signature quahJ5th...
withdrawal_request_id transaction id in the system 1
requested_amount amount requested for withdrawal 100
invoice_id transaction id in the system 1
customer_fee commission to be deducted from the purchaser 2
masked_pan masked beneficiary card number RUB


# using Flask
@app.route("/webhooks", methods=["POST"])
def webhooks():
    payload = request.form.to_dict()
        data = WebhookData(payload)

        print(Webhook.verify_signature('/webhooks', 'POST', data, api_secret))
        # usage data
    except ValueError:
        print("Error while decoding event!")
        return "Bad payload", 400
    except SignatureVerificationError:
        print("Invalid signature!")
        return "Bad signature", 400

    return "", 200


Description: Create jws signature


Name Description Example Required
endpoint path from url /init +
method HTTP method POST +
params payload (dict) {} +
secret secret 1234fwes +

Return: str


api_secret = 'aa21444f3f71'
payload = {
    'amount': 10,
    'merchant_id': 15,
    'order': '241eeda4-7491-11ec-9c7f-0242ac130021',
    'product_id': 15,
    'notification_url': ''

payload['signature'] = sign('/init', 'POST', payload, api_secret)


This project is licensed under the MIT license.