ETL Proccess

Build Status

What is it?

ETL process, which includes integration with Data Lake, Data Wirehouse and Dataflow. The connection to the storage is made via the S3 protocol.

Project info

A microservices approach is used.

Microservice architecture

  • Request processing as middleware service (RPaMS) Request routing, error handling and upstream connetion service
  • Airflow dags Airflow task management service, a data collector for running tasks such as: creating dags, running scrubbers and uploading data to Data Lake.


  • Python 3.9+
  • Airflow 2.3.4+
  • Docker 20.10.18, build b40c2f6


Please vitsit:

  • /airflow - Airflow service and dags list and additional urils
  • /rpams - Request routing service and additional urils
  • /cfg - Folder config
